Grow your own vegetables in a "true organic" fashion by using a hydroponic system. We use alternative energy to power our hydroponic systems
The name says it all!! We promote, educate and incorporate all organic and natural environment products, services and strategies
Learn how to make your business more green by using best business practices. Businesses that go green have proven to perform better, have happier and healthier employees and increase profits.
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What is it? How do you accomplish the creation of organic technology? It has a place and a specific development process only achieved with consideration for future generations
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Our smart homes start with protecting the environment around the home and using sustainable building products, making the home energy efficient and utilizing self contained waste management.
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We offer design, installation and consulting on a complete line of alternative energy products. This includes a new age wind design and more efficient solar panels.
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You heard right. Power from salt better known as concentrated solar power. Heating salt with concentrated solar rays from high efficient solar panels
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Methane recovery can lower greenhouse gas emissions and supplement our energy needs. It is being utilized all across the country. Learn More >>>
Going Green Just Got Easier
Grow your own vegetables in a "true organic" fashion by using a hydroponic system. We use alternative energy to power our hydroponic systems
Hydropower is the oldest form of clean alternative energy. So why are we not using it more? Short answer: Big Oil and the environmentalists.
Mother nature can provide all the energy we need, naturally. Wind, solar, hydropower, geothermal and more all natural energy resources
Ever thought about Hydrogen as a fuel for your car or truck? Hydrogen is one of the most abundant gases available but not in it's pure form. The process to collect it is easier then you think.
We can use biofuels to supplement our energy needs as long as it does not impact our food supply such as driving food prices up or shortening the land available for food growth.
If you want "true organic produce then you have to get out of the dirt. That is right get out of the dirt and into natural wholesome organic food. Can't be done in the dirt